May 5, 2019 was our Open House for the beginning of our paddling season. Approximately 25 paddlers attended,including some people who have not tried dragon boat paddling before.
Several vouchers for a complimentary opportunity to paddle with the club on a drop-in basis were drawn as door prizes. The winner of our grand prize, a free membership, is Sandra Duchemin.
The first date of padding is Monday, May 27th.
We paddle on Mondays and Wednesdays at 7:00 am or 5:30 pm. The Susannah Foo will be tied up in her usual spot at Patient News (next to Timbermart in Haliburton) on Grass Lake.
If you haven’t already registered, it’s not too late. Go to the Membership page, print off the documents and send them in.
See you on the water!