Foo-ing Around in the Sun = FUN!
This morning, the volunteers made really good progress in preparing the Foo floor for a new coat of slip resistant deck paint. In fact, we moved the Foo outside so that we could be in the warmth of the glorious sunshine.

After finishing our tasks, we had a group pow-wow and came to the consensus that the prep work for painting is now completed. In removing the old paint where it was de-laminated and flaking off, a fair amount of wood surfaces became exposed, more than expected, so we have decided that we will apply a primer first as recommended by the technical data sheet for the paint. We will need to purchase this (in Barrie on Saturday) so painting will start on Tuesday, April 25th.

The planned work crews for this week (Wednesday & Thursday) are cancelled. For those who volunteered for these times, thank you and we’ll get ya next week, hopefully.
Paddles up